“Challenge and adversity are meant to help you know who you are. Storms hit your weakness, but unlock your true strength.” 
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Are you facing challenges in your new workplace? If yes, you’re not alone. Everyone undergoes some or the other difficulties when they join a new company. Especially now, when the corporate world has gone remote, new employees seem to face challenges that no one ever thought of. From remote onboarding and training to understanding the organization while working remotely, it is quite a challenge for new employees.

Here we have listed the most common workplace challenges employees face when they join a new organization and their solutions:

Information Overload

Not every organization has comprehensive training programs. Whether you get the opportunity to sit down in a training room understanding how the company works or not, you will get to hear a lot of unfamiliar terms and techniques at the beginning of a new job. It can be overwhelming to process all the information in your early days.

To reduce the stress associated with information overload, take a notebook with you and write down each new thing you hear and the new techniques you encounter. Don’t hesitate to ask questions to allay your doubts.

Waning Confidence

It can be difficult for a newbie to feel confident in the workplace. Not knowing anyone, less knowledge of the process, and lack of understanding of the work culture can have an impact on your confidence. You start doubting your own abilities.

Don’t be self-judgemental. Identify your weaknesses and work on them. Believe in yourself and in the blink of an eye you will be the same confident person you were in your previous job.

Making Mistakes

It happens to everyone at some point when they start working in a new company. It takes a while to understand an organization’s vision, mission, goals, and work process. And it is okay to make mistakes unless there is an absolute blunder that could cost the company a few thousand dollars.

The best step is to take responsibility for the mistake instead of trying to cover them up with excuses. Try to find a solution, and when necessary, make sure to ask for help.

Time Management

This is a challenge for almost every new joinee. With all the new workplace challenges coming your way, adapting to a new role and managing time can be a task on its own. Especially with remote working, where there are several meetings, sudden calls, the necessity of staying connected with the team while trying to accomplish your task, you may find yourself stretching every day.

The best way to deal with it is to create a daily to-do list. Break down your tasks and you’ll be more efficient in organizing and managing them. Using small time management techniques will make you much more productive. If you continue to have trouble managing your time, talk to a colleague or manager to prioritize your work.

Getting Along With Coworkers

When you join a new company, it can be difficult to get along with some of your colleagues. While in most cases things get right over time as you get to know each other, in some cases they don’t. And now that all interactions occur via zoom call or Google chat, building a friendly relationship isn’t as easy as it sounds.

What’s important is to listen. Many conflicts start with individuals who don’t want to listen to the other person. So when someone comes to you with an issue, listen to them and try to solve it together. Be a team player and you will not have a problem with getting along with your colleagues.

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